Nice to have a little help. Here's a Georgetown chemist /PHD science educator and a professional photographer / graphic artist / fireman / chef / do gooder ( both surfers and shapers ) shaping the port side inner hull foam like a 44ft. surf board.
Smooth operators...
Starboard Inner hull section
Here is the basic shell of the starboard inner hull section. The exterior side of this section was laminated w/ 34 oz. Tri-axial glass using System Three Silver tip resin. The peel-ply/ bondo spreader method was used which resulted in a very lean part with a fiber to resin ration on par with any vac bag or infusion technique. As usual, for visual test purposes, I couldn't help peeling back a small section of the peel ply ( upper left hand corner of hull section )
In the back ground, you can see the mold which has already been flipped to produce the port side section. On the right, you can see two of the bulkheads of the starboard outer hull section as it sits on the floor waiting patiently for its inner hull section.
Note: this posting is out of sequence and should be located before the one below.
Port inner hull foam
Here's one days work with my brother laying down some foam. We ripped the 3/4 in thick Core Cell foam into ten inch wide planks and thermoformed each plank by using the ten bulb easy bake oven seen on the left. With the oven settling out around 175 degrees F, I found that seven minutes ( no more no le ss )resulted in a nice soft plank that followed the stringers very well.