Modern art Hatch Openings
Shame on Lewmar
flimsy hinge clutch attachment on new Lewmar escape hatches:
I can only hope that this failure was due to a worker using the wrong size rivet, otherwise, Lewmar should know better than to use such a failed design in the attachment method of the hinge clutch to the frame.
Got to have a place for the Frozen fish and some cold beer.
- Boxing in the swing up rudders
- building the top loading fridge freeze boxes with Frigoboat mechanicals w/ keel cooler
- glassing strips supports for hull floor boards
- finishing out all four state rooms
- coordinating the build of the mast, boom and standing rigging ( Ballenger Spars)
- Overseeing sail construction ( Doyle Sails)
- detailing engines: exhausts, filters. through hulls, etc.
- installing R.O. watermaker
- Building out interior bridge-deck living space
- Electrical system ( planning on keeping it simple )
floor board strips
Dancing super models
There are a total of 12 floor boards in this boat and each one will be glassed and vacuum bagged to save weight and just in case, to withstand the compressive forces of 20 dancing super models wearing high heels.....that's 40 high heels. Given the average weight of a super model of say 65 lbs, and the area of the average high heel being 1/2 in x 1/2 inch this introduces the very real possibility of sustaining pressures on the order of 265 lbs per inch ^2 on the composite laminate ........or further still if the dancers perform moves that require high stepping , the pressure of a dancer standing on one high heel may soar to 536 lbs per in ^2 . ...... Perhaps a placard next to the US coast guard "no discharge notification" should read. "When dancing, all Super-models should refrain from high-stepping along both the port and starboard floor boards".
If I do two panels at at time per day, that's only six days........"only six days he says!" Like I always say, if it's cold and raining outside you may as well be vacuum bagging dance floor boards.....I'm always saying that......I wish I could stop saying that
Double Vacuum lines
heating the interior of the boat to cure the two panels.
260 # / in^2 potential destructive pressure.
both of the twin diesels are in bed now
Putting the engines to bed
Escape hatches
Engine comes out of it's crate.
Import Security Fileing...or else
A week ago, I mistakenly mentioned that my cat's mast had left the port of Tauranga, NZ on the ANL Bindana when in fact, this was when the mast was packed into the container. The ship is still in port: see link-
The US now requires that an Import Security filling ( ISF) be filed before any item is shipped and imposes a $5000.00 fine if not done. I hope that the documents made it into the right hands........
Decks and cabin tops sealed w/ Awlgrip
The Mast is aboard a Liberian ship
According to the Import Security Filling, the mast for this F-44SC catamaran is on a container ship named the ANL Bindana on her way from New Zealand, and can be tracked here: http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=636091168
wish here well in her journey to the west coast of the United States...........
Sealing the micro
First coat AWLgrip 545 Epoxy Primer on the port side deck. Rough fairing done with microbaloon/epoxy mix ; final surface fairing with System Three Quick-Fair. Minimum application temp is 55 Deg. F ...chances are not looking good. So I am officially switching over to building out the interior.
Hood River Weather :
Nov 20
Hammock testing
starboard hull stiffener
Aside from providing a resting place for interior floorboards, each hull requires three lower hull stiffeners. I pre cut all reinforcement material with my best pair of titanium scissors and after that job, my forearm would have made Arnold Schwarzenegger's look like a girly man.
6 stiffiners x 6 strips of uni + 12 overwrapps of 3 ply 24oz. Triaxial glass = 72 layers of reinforcement
This photo shows the mid ship, starboard hull stiffener looking towards the stern. The left side of the photo shows the centerboard case while the right shows the interior hull shape as it transitions itself into the underside of the boat.
Marine Refrigeration system
Rather than use the conventional condensing unit, I opted for the "keel cooler". This dumps the heat that is being removed from the fridge / freezer into the water on the outside of the boat rather than inside the cabin interior. ( no need to have a heater in your boat when your in the tropics )
Unfortunately, this condensing unit weights approximately 1,200 lbs. is 4 ft tall and about 10 feet in length.
Early Christmas......
rudder bagel and cream cheese
Clothing the final Targa bar piece
flying cedar shavings
sure that I didn't have ANY voids. )
photo 2 : after an hour with a power planer. ....fun time shaping a Clark Y airfoil from nice smelling
Photo 3 : finished shape
Photo 4 : detail showing my emergency tiller option. I decided to just machine a hex head on the end
so that I can make an emergency tiller by just welding a deep well socket onto a tube.
It's a shame that these rudders have to live their lives under the back of the boat. Seeing how nice they look makes me want to varnish them and use them as figureheads. Next step is to lay a little kevlar along the leading edge and sheath the whole thing with triaxial glass and epoxy.
Bonus: I plan on sweeping up the pile of cedar shavings, sewing them into a big pillow case and making a dog bed for Daisy.
Targa bar corners
rudder boxes
The lower bearings came pre bonded into large diameter fiberglass tubes and require generous fillets with multiple layers of triaxial glass over this; bonding them into position.
The upper rudder shaft bearings will be installed in the sub bulkhead seen on the rudder box on the left. ( it hasn't been glued in place so it's just sitting a little crooked in the box )
Test fitting the targa bar.
Part of the reason for performing this trial fit is to determine the shape of the two corners. This will no doubt require some creative foam shaping. Once these two corner core pieces are formed, I'll pull the uprights down, glass them and reinstall them for the final install.