In a few occasions, the plan set offers the builder a choice between "good" "better" and "best
In this instance, the note provided by the designer describes a few options to dealing with the openings for hatches, windows and any other openings that needs to be made in the hull or deck.
That said, since this boat is being built by ME for ME (and family and friends, and anyone else who wants to go sailing). Sometimes, the sea does not "play well with others". She cares nothing for boats and her primary job is to break them into smaller pieces.
In spite of this, since my family's lives will depend upon the safety of this boat, I'm going with option 3 "best" on this one.
once the strip is removed, the result is a nice smooth square edging.
Since "best" means glassed edges over high density filler. its necessary to break the edges and create an approximately 1/8 in radius to the inside and outside of each hatch opening.
Very good work Allen.
Hi Allen. The boat is looking awesome. The forward hatches will be great in the tropics. I also love the carbon stantions.
The boat is really come along since I saw it in June. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of it sailing.
"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien," as Voltaire would say.
can't wait to look through those hatches into a tropical sky.
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