
fitting the forward bulkhead

As suggested in the plans, the bulkheads can be fitted against foam strips rather than just blopping them in with putty ( epoxy / micro / aero ). Farrier says that this is better but takes more time........a farmer was holding his pig up in the air under an apple tree so he could eat. a catamaran builder walked up and said: " that sure is a waste of time". The farmer said: " time dont mean nothin to a pig"...............I think there may be a time when I'm off the coast of Africa in a storm and wishing I had glassed the bulkheads in the best I could have. So thinking that, I don't really have a choice.

Next, I'll show a picture of the finished double glass tape and epoxy bulkhead join detail.  Posted by Picasa


ten layers of Uni

Ten layers of 13 oz. uni dry stacked to the inside hull where the mast bulkhead will be installed. Over this, a 16 in. band of 24 oz glass will aid in distributing the forces placed upon this highly stressed bulkhead location.  Posted by Picasa

uni directional reinforcement under bulkheads

Where the bulkheads attach to the hull /cabin, there are layers of 8in. Uni glass and a 16 in wide strip of "D"- 24oz. Triaxial. This photo shows the uni dry stacked to the inside of the hull with 3M-77. I attempted to set for an infusion of the ten layers of uni but was unable to pull vacuum against the pre-glassed inside surface. I suppose I'll humble myself by wetting this out in the conventional manner. Posted by Picasa


Stem Bulkhead

Port side stem bulkhead in place. I forgot to run by Fiberglass Supply after work to pick up a roll of DBM1708 Tape so I just blopped the stem bulkhead into a batch of microbaloon/aerosil epoxy peanut butter and ran a strip of peel ply over the fillet so tomorrow I'll rip up the peel ply and tape it in proper. Next, I'll start installing all the other bulkheads.......note darker diab 1200 high density insert for pole wires. Posted by Picasa