
a nice vacuum pump rig

So here's an improved vacuum rig that I built while I was waiting on my corecell foam order. Rather than keep my vacuum pump running all night long when bagging panels, I built a proper set-up for my pump. Joewoodworker.com has a nice set of plans for adding a vacuum reservoir and switch so that the pump can rest most of the time.


With a proper system, the pump will only need to switch itself on every once in a while during the cure process.

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ripping up foam

If your reading this from top to bottom, this is what happens when you rip a few sheets of foam across a table saw..........it doesn't take too long to lay waste to a fortunes worth of corecell foam. I've chosen to work with 10 inch wide planks mainly because it allows me to dial in the temperature/ "toast" time of each plank. I've found that if I keep the temperature, the "toast"time and the plank width consistent, it allows me to keep my forming technique under control while I lay each plank into the mold.

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fresh foam

Nothing like opening a fresh box of Corecell foam.....

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