
Composite bow beam mold

Here's my helper smoothing down the packing tape along the length of the bow beam mold. The two upper cap beams are in-set about the thickness of what I think the sides will be; thus forming an internal flange. After layup and vac bagging is compete, I'll remove the cap strips and lay up what will become the other half of the full 19 ft. length. Then the two channel sections should fit together and be bonded to form a composite beam that is 7 in. tall, 9 1/2in. wide and 19 ft long.


Curt said...

Nice looking work. I too am thinking about building a Ferrier Catamaran. I was wondering if you would be willing to meet with me to talk about your project and give a tour of your shop. I will be in your area this Spring on business and could stop by if you're o.k. with it. To prepare for my project I am currently taking a class on vacuum infusion from Cerritos College in L.A.
Please let me know if you're o.k. with the idea.
Thanks and Regards,
Curt Sturm